What Is NIS and How Does it Work?
NIS stands for the Neurological Integration System. It allows a practitioner to search for and correct any disruptions in signaling between your brain and body. Your nervous system is the master controller of all body functions down to the cellular level. Like a symphony conductor, it coordinates all your bodily functions to create a balanced and sustainable state of health. When signaling breakdowns occur between your nervous system and body (due to trauma, stress, infections, and chemical imbalances), symptoms can develop as your nervous system loses communication with organs, muscles, joints, the immune system, hormonal system, etc. NIS practitioners identify these signaling disruptions and facilitate your nervous system to restore electrical and chemical signaling pathways. Since your nervous system makes these corrections, not the practitioner, NIS is 100% accurate and safe.
The human brain is the most complex thing known in the universe, and is still not well understood by neuroscience. It is the seat of an intelligence which is beyond our rational understanding. In Chiropractic this is called “innate intelligence, and it automatically regulates millions of our bodily functions each second. We don’t consciously think about digesting our food, pumping our blood, or keeping our hormones in balance, yet this innate intelligence coordinates all the functions that result in optimal health ever second of every day. This same intelligence also directs repair, regeneration and healing without our thinking about it. It is also responsible for the greatest mystery of all, human consciousness and creativity.
However, stress, trauma, infection, and poor lifestyle choices among other things can interfere with the ability of this intelligence to orchestrate health. This is where NIS can help restore normal function by identifying these roadblocks to our health.
To identify disrupted signals, an NIS practitioner holds specific anatomical contact points and performs a muscle test, following a series of prioritized protocols. Once issues exceeding your body's tolerance levels are identified, NIS protocols facilitate your nervous system to re-set the circuitry, allowing all body systems to return to optimal potential.
This nervous system reset is done through the post-central gyrus in the sensory cortex of your brain, the primary area for receiving touch sensations on your body. The practitioner locates areas involved in neurological signaling disruptions by testing a strong muscle while touching specific body areas associated with the brain, organs, muscles, joints, etc. When a point is touched that the brain does not recognize, it will result in a muscle weakening. This is like your home's electrical system – circuit breakers switch off when overloaded to prevent fire or other issues. When the practitioner contacts a point related to a disrupted nervous system circuit, it overloads your system, resulting in a weak muscle.
Image: The post-central gyrus in the sensory cortex of your brain, the primary area for receiving touch sensations on your body
As the practitioner locates body points related to disrupted neurological circuitry, they hold the involved points while gently tapping over the post-central gyrus. This initiates a complex cascade of neurological activity to restore normal signaling and function.
The great science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once wrote “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I’ve had many patients comment that NIS seems like “magic” or “woo-woo”. Nothing could be further from the truth. NIS is soundly based on scientific principles. Other patients have asked if NIS is “energy medicine”, which is another vague term similar to magic in my book. The founder of NIS, Dr. Allan Phillips has developed NIS from a deep understanding of neuroscience, biology, anatomy, and physiology. Each protocol he teaches is first tested with objective tests like bloodwork, x-rays, etc. to prove it’s effectiveness. My personal experience with NIS over the last 27 years has convinced me of its value as a profound and highly effective clinical tool.