How Do We Heal?

I had the pleasure of interviewing with Dr. Shamini Jain for a published feature a few years ago. Dr. Jain has a Ph.D in neuroscience and shares a lot of great perspectives and scientific insight on what healing really means. She was raised in India which informs her view on healing in a profound way. I found the video below very thought provoking, especially with my background in NIS.

Dr. Jain gives a great overview of the different models of healing in this talk. Culturally, most of us were raised with the idea that healing comes from the outside in the form of some intervention like medication, surgery, herbal remedies, or supplements to name a few. Being raised in India, Dr. Jain is familiar with another model of healing which is that the body heals from within. This aligns with my personal experience with NIS; that there is a healing force inside of each of us, guided by the brain and nervous system. In Chiropractic we call this “innate intelligence”. This is the intelligence which directs every function in our body. We don’t consciously think about digesting our food, controlling our heartbeat, or keeping our hormones in balance. These and almost all functions in our bodies are directed automatically by our innate intelligence through the brain and nervous system. This is not to say there isn’t a time or place for outside interventions, but rather to trust more in our innate capacity to heal. This is what NIS is all about, removing any interference to our nervous system’s ability to orchestrate optimal function.


What Is NIS and How Does it Work?


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