The Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth is a mythical spring which allegedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted around the world for thousands of years, appearing as early as the 5th century BC in the writings of Herodotus. Eternal youth is a gift frequently sought in myth and legend, and stories of things such as the philosopher's stone, and the elixir of life are common in many ancient texts. Today, the quest to defeat aging has become a scientific rosetta stone as researchers search for ways to extend our lifespan. Scientists have discovered over 90 drugs and other interventions which are able to dramatically increase longevity in mice.

Between 1900 and 2020 human life expectancy more than doubled to 73.4 years. Much of that increase in life expectancy is due to improved sanitation, the discovery of antibiotics, and other medical advances that keep people alive longer. The gain in lifespan doesn’t mean that we are any healthier. To the contrary, we are seeing a staggering rise in chronic degenerative illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, lung disease and other conditions as a result of living longer. Do we really want to live longer if it means adding more years of disease and disability? In the search for a longer life it’s important to distinguish lifespan (the length of our life) from healthspan (the length of time we live in a state of health and vitality, without disease). Fortunately, a longer lifespan and healthspan aren’t mutually exclusive.

So far the life extension seen in mice in the lab using drugs has not translated to human longevity in a significant way. However, research in anti-aging has pointed the way to strategies that can increase both lifespan and healthspan in humans. Some of these strategies were recently popularized in the documentary series Limitless, produced by National Geographic. This six episode series features the actor Chris Hemsworth as he pursues a series of challenges to live a healthier life. The longevity strategies covered in this series are readily available to all of us, meaning we don’t have to wait for some elusive wonder-drug to help us live longer and better. Let’s take a deeper look at how we can implement these anti-aging strategies in our lives

Stress Proof

In Limitless, Hemsworth learns to to better control his stress as he prepares to walk across a narrow beam atop a Sydney skyscraper. Stress seems to worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. Learning how to cope with stress is a fundamental cornerstone in staying healthy. There are several things we can do to reduce stress such as exercise, getting out in nature, meditation, and breathwork. A deeper understanding of where stress actually comes from is essential. See my article “Where Does Stress Really Come From” for a deeper understanding of the origins of stress. For a good overview on dealing with stress watch the video below by my favorite neuroscientist Andrew Huberman.


In the second episode of Limitless, Hemsworth spends time in the Norwegian Arctic preparing to do a 1 kilometer swim in 34 degree water. The health benefits of immersing ourselves in both hot and cold are well documented. Our ancestors learned to adapt to extreme temperatures over thousands of years, Our ancestors spent most of their time out in the elements exposed to extremes of hot and cold. Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail solo around the world, observed that the natives of Tierra del Fuego were actually sweating while almost naked in freezing temperatures.  Cold exposure has been shown to increase metabolism, reduce inflammation, increase insulin sensitivity, and improve circulation, sleep and recovery.  At the other extreme, studies of Finnish sauna users showed they had lower incidences of heart disease and all cause mortality. Doing something as simple as ending your shower in cold water has definite health benefits. Dr. Rhonda Patrick discussed the science behind cold immersion in this video.

There is also a robust body of research showing that heat immersion, specifically regular sauna use significantly reduces all cause mortality.


In Limitless, Hemsworth tackles a 4 day fast to learn about and experience the health benefits of fasting. Several anti-aging scientists have documented what happens in both animals and humans with fasting. Mice who underwent a reduction in the food intake lived 30% longer than their unrestricted counterparts. Most notably, they did not develop the degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis that non-fasted mice did. Fasting improves detoxification, hormonal balance, mitochondrial numbers, glucose regulation and stem cell activity among other benefits. Fasting for as little as 18 hours affords many of these benefits, with 4-5 day fasts showing maximum benefits. Remember that our ancestors evolved over thousands of years living with food uncertainty, going through regular periods of feast and famine. We developed biological mechanisms to deal with this, and we still have these biological mechanisms even in this age of food overabundance. Fidalgo Island Health Center offers you the 7 week Metabolic Reset Program which guides you through how to properly fast for maximum benefit. Dr. Eric Berg discusses what happens when we fast in this video.


In Episode 4, Hemsworth, who is already very fit, trains to climb 100 feet up a rope while suspended over a deep gorge from a gondola. This episode dives into the importance of exercise in longevity. Studies have shown that maintaining muscle mass as we age is a key determinant in longevity and health, even showing a strong correlation with preventing dementia and other neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s. Muscle mass is best maintained by resistance training; i.e. lifting heavy things. Staying strong and mobile as we age is critical to our health. One study found that 100% of sedentary older men and women became progressively physically disabled over time. Dr. Peter Attia coaches Hemsworth in this episode. Hear what he has to say about the importance of exercise in health, and the best exercises for strength, balance and optimal health.


In Episode 5 of Limitless, Hemsworth looks at strategies to improve his memory. His challenge is to navigate through the Australian wilderness without maps or other aids to reach an ancient aboriginal sacred site. Neuroscience has proven that one of the best ways to keep memory functioning and intact is to continually challenge ourselves to learn new skills throughout life. Learning a new language or how to play a musical instrument have been shown to improve memory as we age. Regular exercise and activity also improves memory, as does good quality sleep. Social connectivity and interaction also boosts memory. Studies have also found that staying organized and eliminating clutter can help our memory. Doing things that are challenging on a regular basis is great for brain health and memory. Avoiding processed foods, smoking, and excessive alcohol are all critical to maintaining brain health. Don’t consume trans-fats (anything deep fried) or industrially processed oils like canola, soy, corn, sunflower, safflower, palm or vegetable oils to maximize your brain function. Finally, getting your nervous system tuned up with regular NIS sessions (Neurological Integration System) is a great way to optimize brain function. Watch this video with memory expert Jim Kwik to review his top 10 memory and brain health strategies.


In the final episode of Limitless, Hemsworth gets to take a look at what lies ahead in the aging process by living in a retirement home, and finding his wife there who was made up to look much older. Accepting the truth of our own mortality is disturbing to many of us, but the reality is that we will all die. This doesn’t have to become a morbid or depressing obsession, but instead can motivate us to live each day to the fullest, no matter what stage of life we are in.

Author Robert Greene, in his book “The Laws of Human Nature” writes:

“Since the beginning of human consciousness , our awareness of death has terrified us. This terror has shaped our beliefs, our religions, our institutions , and so much of our behavior in ways we cannot see or understand. We humans have become the slaves to our fears and our evasions. When we turn this around, becoming more aware of our mortality, we experience a taste of true freedom. We no longer feel the need to restrict what we think and do, in order to make life predictable . We can be more daring without feeling afraid of the consequences. We can cut loose form all the illusions and addictions that we employ to numb our anxiety. We can commit fully to our work, to our relationships , to all our actions. And once we experience some of this freedom, we will want to explore further and expand our possibilities as far as time will allow us.”

Watch Robert Greene discuss the importance of facing mortality in the video below.


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