Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Healthcare?

It seems that everywhere you turn these days you are bombarded with articles heralding how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to change our future. From Chat GPT to machine learning, robotics, and even artificial neural networks, AI appears to be the new frontier. A friend sent me this article from Katie Couric titled “Could AI Replace your Doctor?” I’m all for anything which might reduce the frequency of errors and mistakes in the current medical system, and AI might be able to do that. With all that AI may be able to offer us, it’s important that we don’t overlook other types of intelligence when it comes to our healthcare.

There is another type of intelligence which surpasses AI when it comes to our well-being. This is what is called “Innate Intelligence”.

Innate Intelligence is vastly different from what we think of as human intelligence. Human intelligence could be considered a subset of innate intelligence. To better understand this distinction, we need to understand the difference between innate intelligence and the brain. Stanford neuroscientist Karl Pribram found that memory is not located in specific areas of the brain, but instead in the energy fields surrounding the brain. We could consider these energy fields to be the source of innate intelligence broadcasting information to the brain. This field of energy/intelligence records every event that we experience in our lives, and can reveal this information to us through the brain and nervous system. This sounds a bit mysterious, and it is in the same way that quantum physics is mysterious even though it’s the basis of what we call “reality”.

Innate intelligence is what monitors and directs all function in our bodies right down to the cellular level. Our bodies are so complex and interrelated that science will likely never fully understand how our bodies function, and more importantly what really happens when they malfunction.

Medicine has named thousands of diseases and disorders of the human body, but understanding the actual causes behind them is very limited. Without understanding cause, is it any wonder that treatment success is limited?

Because the focus of most treatments are on the symptoms, we now have a medical culture that fundamentally has two options: drugs and surgery. I’m not disparaging the medical system in any way. This system does succeed in saving many lives. When I recently broke my left leg in two places I was very happy to have a competent orthopedic surgeon repair the damage.

There is a big difference between symptom management and true health, and this is where it’s important to understand the power of Innate Intelligence. Since this intelligence understands exactly what is happening in our bodies at every moment, it can also reveal the actual causes behind our symptoms. After helping patients for over 36 years with NIS, I’m constantly amazed at the accuracy with which Innate Intelligence pinpoints the causes behind patient’s symptoms. What’s even more amazing is that NIS provides answers that I never would have figured out from my years of training in anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Innate Intelligence surpasses rational intelligence and education every time. Artificial Intelligence was developed from rational intelligence, and as amazing as it is, I don’t believe it will ever come close to Innate Intelligence when it comes to healthcare.

It’s also important to consider the role of human touch in healing. We all know how good it feels to be touched by a massage therapist. Reiki has been shown to be a powerful healing modality.

Science has shown that our hands emit frequencies in the range of 0.3 to 30 Hz, and that frequencies between 2 and 30 Hz are significant in the regeneration of nerves, bones, ligaments and even certain types of cells like fibroblasts.

NIS uses touch extensively to get feedback from Innate Intelligence through the nervous system, and I believe this contributes to the healing process. No robot will ever duplicate the power of human touch, or the accuracy of Innate Intelligence.

This is why I consider NIS to represent the true healthcare of the future as opposed to artificial intelligence. Why not go to the source that understands the causes which are disrupting our health, rather than using potentially dangerous interventions to manage the symptoms which these disruptions have caused? To me that sounds like a truly intelligent idea.

Fidalgo Island Health Center offers the Neurological Integration System (NIS) as our primary treatment modality. Dr. Jim Bentz and Dr. Peter O’Dwyer have over 50 years of combined experience helping thousands of patients using NIS.


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