Mysterious Neurological Condition Resolved With NIS

This is the amazing story of a Fidalgo Island Health Center patient who had a complex neurological condition resolved with NIS (Neurological Integration System).  In April 2016, Leigh Sawyer was seen by Dr. Bentz for what had been diagnosed as "Complicated Hemiplegic Migraines", which she had suffered with for several years.  This diagnosis was arrived at after she had seen a series of top neurologists who were frankly baffled by her symptoms.  She was unable to work, and ended up spending hundreds of thousands of dollars searching for an answer. She was placed on a series of medications that were ineffectual in relieving her symptoms. At the time she came for NIS at our office she was using a walker, and was suffering significant disability.These two videos tell her story.  The first video gives a picture of what her symptoms looked like when she suffered what she called a "double down", meaning her symptoms were really bad.The second video describes how these symptoms were resolved with NIS (Neurological Integration System)  This is a wonderful example of the innate healing power we all possess when the brain and nervous system are functioning optimally!  Leigh remains free of her symptoms to this day.


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