Magic Moon Medicinals Blends Traditional Chinese Medicine & Self-Care

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been preserved and passed on for thousands of years, and techniques and knowledge of the craft have essentially remained unchanged through time. Chinese medicine revolves around the concept of Qi; the vital life force flowing within human beings.

Yin and yang represent the opposite and complementary components of our Qi. An alteration in the yin or yang of an individual can lead to the occurrence of disease or illness. However, when our Qi is in balance, total health can be achieved.

schlindwein magic moon medicinals fidalgo island health center traditional chinese medicine

Jaclyn Schlindwein, licensed Acupuncturist, Eastern Medicine Practitioner, and founder of Magic Moon Medicinals, carries on the traditions of TCM as she works to improve the health and wellness of her patients by revolutionizing holistic self-care. Schlindwein grew up in the Pacific Northwest and established her bond with the earth from a young age.

Memories of running barefoot along the edges of the Salish Sea remind Jaclyn of her grounded roots, and she continues her nature-inspired life by working as an environmental educator in the Caribbean and Hawaii. During this time, she also served as a naturalist for Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment program.  Following her environmental work, Schlindwein started her journey into the field of Chinese medicine. After receiving her master’s degree from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, she started her own practice. The mission: advocate for the ultimate happiness, health, and well being of her patients.

I reached out to Schlindwein to discover more about the story of Magic Moon Medicinals.

traditional chinese medicine herbs mortar

Ty Johnson: Healthcare practitioners commit a large quantity of time and energy to the practice of helping others. What first called you to become a Chinese medicine practitioner?

Jaclyn Schlindwein: After snorkeling coral reefs and hiking through rain forests for nearly a decade, I realized that in order for people to view their outside environment as precious enough to protect, they must first care for and see themselves as sacred. This was when I was called to become a Chinese medicine practitioner.  TCM teaches that humans are microcosms of the larger universe, interconnected with nature’s powers.  

TJ: Along with traditional practices and wellness plans, you have created medicinal bath products and essential roll-ons through Magic Moon Medicinals. What inspired you to create and offer natural medicinal products?

JS: As a licensed acupuncturist and Eastern medicine practitioner, the idea of medicinal baths was born while creating wellness plans.  I have learned that my patients love it when I prescribe “homework”—things that they can do at home to be proactive in their own treatment. I have found that not only does it give them a sense of empowerment around their own healing process, but the action of setting intention and taking accountability in one’s own health journey is very powerful. 

acuchart acupressure scupuncture flow tcm chinese medicine chakra yin yang qi

Throughout the years, I have seen patients struggle with treatment plan recommendations that involve major lifestyle changes.  However, when I write a treatment plan for a patient that tells them to go on a hike or take a bath, almost every patient returns to their next treatment glowing from a good dose of bathing (whether it be forest bathing or water bathing) and a renewed sense of well being.  Being a huge bath lover myself, I found myself combining many of my passions (aromatherapy, stone medicine, and herbs) and decided to create one little, yet potent healing tool: medicinal bath products and essential oil roll-ons.  

Pretty soon, I started sharing them in my practice, and I watched the positive and almost immediate impact they had on my patients.  And that is how Magic Moon Medicinals was born.  Magic Moon Medicinals’ products are an empowering, fun, relaxing, and unique way for everyone to play an active role in their own self-care and wellness.

acuchart acupressure scupuncture flow tcm chinese medicine chakra yin yang qi Magic Moon Medicinals

TJ: There is a lot of competition in the healthcare industry, so it is important to bring something special with your brand. What is unique about Magic Moon Medicinals? 

JS: Magic Moon Medicinals believes in the energetics of the substances with which we surround ourselves. It is because of this that our products are made with only the best ingredients and intentions.

For Example:

-All of the herbs we use are wild crafted or sourced from companies that use organic and sustainable practices, non-GMO verified, and Earth Kosher.

-Our essential oils are organically sourced and are extracted using traditional artisan methods so that the oil is fully bioactive and can perform therapeutically in the way it was intended. They are chosen based on the teachings of Peter Holmes and his ideas regarding clinical aromatherapy and traditional Chinese medicine.

-The stones that were chosen were handpicked based on the teachings of Jeffrey C. Yuen, aneighty-eighth generation Daoist priest, who utilized stones for healing based on classical Chinese medical principles. 

water bath bomb magic moon medicinals

-All products come with instructions on how to use the medicinal stone after the bath by encouraging patients to use the stone on suggested acupressure points. If using our acupoint essential oil roll-ons, the product comes with instructions focusing on the ideal acupressure points on which to roll the blend.

-Products are made in accordance with the Chinese Body Clock to further fill them with intention.  For example, the Earth Element Bath Bomb is made between the hours of seven and eleven in the morning.

TJ: You put a lot of effort and intention into the planning and creation of your products, and are extremely passionate about what you do. Do you have a couple of your favorites that you would like to recommend?

JS: Of course, and thank you! Here are two of my favorites:

Ohm My Goddess! Essential Oil Blend

Made with rose, jasmine, and neroli, and infused with rhodonite crystal: Our acupoint essential oil roll-on blends are made to be rolled on corresponding acupressure points and massaged into the skin. Essential oils can be absorbed and work their magic on the points and their corresponding meridians. For the Ohm My Goddess! Essential Oil Roll On, we recommend rolling it onto acupressure points CV-6, LV-3, and SP-6 . We give everyone an acupressure point reference card so that it is easy to locate points. And of course, you can roll on the blend anywhere and anytime you like for its aromatherapy benefits as well!

Rose, jasmine and neroli all have a feminine yin energy that reminds us of our inner wisdom and intuition.  This essential oil blend warms and regulates Qi leaving you feeling Ohm-mazing!  It can be used to treat imbalances associated with PMS and moon cycles. Rhodonite is a tonifier, and helps with all Qi deficiencies including weakened immunity, inflammation, and anxiousness.  It also helps with opening the heart to radical self-love.

ohm my goddess essential oil blend magic moon medicinals

Earth Element Bath Bomb

“Nourishment” Made with the Chinese herb, chen pi (orange peel), lemongrass, and sweet orange essential oils, and infused with citrine crystal. Our bath bombs are thoughtfully made using Chinese herbs, stone medicine, aromatherapy, and magic. Some of our herbs are wild crafted, while the rest are organically and sustainably sourced. We recommend turning your bath into a ritual by setting intentions for healing with the power of your thoughts to enhance the effectiveness of this sacred and ancient medicine. We give recommendations on acupressure points so that you may use the stone to press the point and further activate healing.

This bath bomb balances the earth element, which is responsible for the way in which our bodies take in nourishment. Uplifting and refreshing in scent, citrus is excellent at improving digestion.  In Chinese medicine, it is associated with the spleen and stomach organs that transform food into nutrients—the source of both Qi and blood.  Citrine also tonifies spleen Qi, bettering digestion to help strengthen immunity and improve chronic fatigue by boosting energy. 

Use the citrine stone after your medicinal bath by placing the stone at acupuncture point CV-6 (two inches directly below your belly button) or CV-8 (directly over the belly button) to assist with improving your ability to receive nourishment.

earth element bath bomb tcm chinese medicine wellnes as home self care

TJ: You definitely know what you’re talking about when it comes to holistic health and Chinese medicine! Are there any other services or projects that you offer and would like to share a little about?

JS: As previously mentioned, I have found a great deal of satisfaction in providing wellness and lifestyle plans for my patients. I am overjoyed when I am able to offer alternative prescriptions to the drugs that many people have been prescribed through Western medicine. Chinese wellness and herbal consulting are available to all interested.

Magic Moon Medicinals also has a Maui based sister company, Maui Moon Medicinals. All of the herbs we use are organically sourced from local island farms. It is important to us that we support our local economy and protect our island’s natural resources. Even our packaging is earth conscious and eco-friendly!

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This interview/article was originally published on

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